Which travel documents do I need to prepare before flights?

Posted On: 22/06/2022

Which travel documents do I need to prepare before flights?

Please make sure you prepare the following documents before your flight:

1. Travel documents

Required documents are among the most essential elements for you to be allowed to fly, so make sure that you collect all the information and necessary documents before your departure. The most critic documents include:

  • Tickets (please contact us if you do not receive the e-ticket by email)
  • Passport, national ID card
  • Visa (Visa can be applied in person at Vietnam embassy or visa-on-arrival service online)
  • Arrival documents

2. Itinerary

Printing out a copy of your complete itinerary and keeping it with you. Try to hold tight your complete itinerary and the boarding passes in a convenient accessible place. Don’t forget to bring the original itinerary as well.