Traditions and Cultures of Vietnam

Throughout their thousand-year-old history, the Vietnamese have worked diligently and fought courageously to build and protect the country. From this heroic history was born a tradition of solidarity and a culture rich in national identities. This tradition and culture has given the Vietnamese people the strength to overcome all hardships, defeat foreign aggressors, protect their homeland and succeed in the work of renewal. But in an era of globalization, the risk of cultural homogeneity is great. The Vietnamese have become fully aware of this and have strongly adhered to the concept of cultural diversity.

1. Customs & practices

- Vietnamese tea.

- Vietnamese coffee.

- Vietnamese rice alcohol.

- Markets in Vietnam.

2. Society

- The Vietnamese family.

- Surnames and first names.

- The marriage of the Vietnamese.

- Burial in Vietnam.

- Vietnamese villages.

- Legends.

- Education in Vietnam.

- Festivals in Vietnam.

- Some Vietnamese riddles.

3. Arts & Crafts

- Vietnamese basketry.

- Vietnamese ceramics.

- Vietnamese lacquer.

- Prints of Vietnam.

- Vietnamese music.

- Water puppets.

- Vietnamese theatre.

- Architecture in Vietnam.

- Vietnamese embroidery.